Sunday, January 31, 2010

I Live For Sin

Pride. Pride is a sin, right? Or so the Bible says. One of the seven deadliest ones. But pride, I believe, can also save your life. Pride gives one a reason to continue, does it not? Without pride one would feel rather pointless, yes? Okay, well maybe not everyone but a proper majority of the current worldwide population needs pride to have meaning.

No, I have not read the Bible, no more than the first few pages, and maybe there is a set limit for the amount of pride on is allowed, but I stil do not see the logic. Pride is nothing but good. Pride only becomes bad when the person becomes arrogant and cocky. But that is a different level. that is a personality issue, not a feeling within.

I draw and paint and write and many other things and when I finish something I like I am proud of it. I feel as though I have accomplished something great and ammore than happy to show it off. I have pride in what I do because I do it. I even have pride in the simple things I do. I have pride in the way I walk and talk and what I say. I'm proud of my thoughts and my taste in music and movies. I have pride in the clothing I choose and the way I rationalize. I have pride in me beacuse I, above anyone else, must like what I do otherwise I'm meaningless. If I don't like myself then I will never care about the others who say they like me and who say they are proud of me. I, alone, matter to myself.

Now I realize all of that sounds a little selfish and cocky but it isn't. Cocky would be me telling you that I'm proud of myself for being better than you. But I'm not. We're all at the same level. Some have skills that surpass other's but no one is better than anyone else. I have pride in myself first and then, I believe, I can have pure pride for others and can rightly accept the pride from others.

Without pride in what we do there is no reason to do it.

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